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CCM Premier R1.9 Intermediate Goalie Leg Pads

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Please note: all prices are in US dollar.

CCM Premier R1.9 Intermediate Goalie Leg Pads

Most people would know the Premier Series under the Reebok name. CCM & Reebok have long been the same company, so going forward the Premier Series will be under the CCM banner. The Premier Series has been the popular choice of goalies who prefer the use of the butterfly technique for over a decade. Often imitated but never duplicated, the CCM Premier leg pads has only grown stronger over the years. With new features in 2016 like a thinner profile which reduces overall weight and a new strapping system which helps the pad rotate, CCM has taken a good thing and made it better. The new thinner profile also comes with a deeper leg channel which is also a new feature to the Premier line. This gives the goalie a better feel then the previous Premier lines. Everything about this pad is designed to put the goalie in the best possible position including getting rebounds as far away from the goalie as possible with a very stiff face a 60 degree boot. For a goalie that likes to play big and maximize coverage in the butterfly technique, the CCM Premier is a top choice for that particular goalie.

CCM Premier R1.9 Intermediate Goalie Leg Pads

  • Outer Flex – No break for maximized coverage
  • Inner Flex – Pre-curved single break core helps with better closure of the 5-hole
  • Boot Angle – 60 degree boot angle helps in directing rebounds away.
  • Boot Channel – Shallow and soft, the boot channel helps with quick butterfly transitions
  • Leg Channel / Calf Strap Option – A lightweight set-up with one loose fitting calf strap helps to optimize quick responses
  • Knee Strap Option – Single adjustable knee or below the knee for a custom fit on a stock pad
  • Knee Cradle – A recessed foam with no wrap helps to create a deeper knee cradle, translating to more help closing the 5-hole
  • Knee Raiser – PE foam helps to seal the pad to the ice
  • Core – New lightweight, thin-molded foam core offers a weight to balance ratio that helps with quicker transitions into butterfly
  • Thigh Protector – Legal thigh protector helps to protect the top of the knee from stingers

CCM E-Flex II Vs. CCM Premier

Understanding the differences in goalie pads can be a huge advantage when purchasing new pads. CCM makes two very distinct lines of pads. The CCM E-Flex II is made with the hybrid style goalie in mind. These pads have knee rolls and one break in the vertical roll to help promote more flexibility in the pad. The E-Flex II goal pad also has a softer boot, this help promote more flexibility in the lower leg and foot areas. The CCM Premier goal pads are a flat faced pad. The Premier series pads have been around for years (formerly under the Reebok name). These pad lend themselves more to a goalie that likes to use the butterfly technique for a majority of their save selections. As far as a flat face style pad goes, the CCM Premier has been the number one choice of pro’s for more than a decade.

Choosing The Correct Intermediate Goalie Leg Pads

Parents have a difficult job when purchasing new goalie pads for a younger goalie. They want to get the best gear they can to help their child fulfill their potential. They also don’t want gear that the goalie will grow out of right away. Finding that balance can be very difficult, however the goalie manufactures do a very nice job keeping most youth, junior and intermediate goalie pads on par with each other price wise and generally quality wise. You will not see wildly different price ranges in these three younger categories. The decision of what goalie pad to buy really comes down to what type of goalie they are and their particular style of play. Most hybrid goalies – meaning goalies that tend to make saves with several different methods and techniques generally like goalie pads with extra breaks and knee rolls on the face of the pad. This allows the pad to be more flexible and move with the goalie easier in these different motions. Most butterfly oriented goalies tend to like flat face pads which tend to be more stiff and help utilize the butterfly technique. Although the butterfly is not a style of play but rather a technique, goalies are generally categorized as a butterfly goalie if they use this method on the majority of saves they make. These simple suggestions can go a long way in determining what type of pad to purchase for a young goalie.